And now you know the name I came up with for the biggest quilt I've made! I think that it's perfectly fitting because there's lots of both flora and fauna in the quilt. And that's it. Don't have to dig too much to get to the meaning! Ha!

I have to say... I'm proud of this one. I think that it's my favorite quilt that I've made. I put this one together block by block and, to me, it really represents the progress I've made in my quilt design. Improvisationally pieced, lots and lots of different fabrics, and a balance with solids. These are all things that I've really worked on and have all come together in this one quilt. This one is going to be hard to part with! But it will be very near by and I will visit it often.
A quick mention 'cause the photos aren't really true... the dark solid is chocolate brown, not black...

For the back I put together something that worked with the white fabric I had.

This has to be the biggest log cabin block I'll ever make! It's huge!

This quilt also reminds me how much I enjoy blogging and recording my progress. Back on November 5th of last year I posted this photo of fabric that I had pulled for my next quilt.

And here we are, three months later and (plus or minus some fabrics) it's finished. I really just find the whole process so rewarding and satisfying. From raw fabric to completed quilt!