Action Kivu Fundraiser Wrap Up!

Well honestly everyone, words can't quite say it... so I will let the numbers do the talking:


That's how much money we raised for Action Kivu!  $7500 for the sewing workshop and the rest to help Congolese children go to school.  Can you believe what we can do when we all join together to help?  I am overwhelmed with happiness and emotion about it.  You have all proven to me, yet again, just how compassionate and generous this amazing online sewing community is.

An enormous thank you to each and every one of you who donated or helped by blogging, Facebooking, Tweeting, telling your friends and just generally spreading the word.  It was all of us working together that made this such a success!

Because it has gone so well and the needs in eastern Congo are so great, I've decided that I'll be holding this fundraiser annually.  Can you commit right now to giving again next year?  I do hope so.   Perhaps you read this news report last week about the recent mass rapes.  Every day there are more women and children who need the help we can provide.  So we will do this again in August 2011!

In the meantime know that Action Kivu is ALWAYS in need of donations. They are a tiny organization that does not have any large funders or donors.   They always need any help you can give, at any time you can give it. If this organization struck a chord in you, consider setting up a regular monthly donation.  Perhaps you'd like to organize a bake sale, a charity quilt, or whatever you can think of - any sort of fundraising helps.

From here, know that I'll be posting photos on my blog of the results of our amazing fundraising! We will see the sewing machines, the new location for the sewing workshop and the benefits of the money we've raised here together.  Again, thank you all so so much for your amazingly generous donations!!

Photo by Candice Knezevic/The Enough ProjectPhoto by Candice Knezevic/The Enough Project

And the fundraiser fabric pack winners??   The Heather Ross fat quarter pack goes to Larri Manos, the Colorwheel bundle to Stephanie Wood, and the Flea Market Fancy pack winner is Sheridan Powell!  Congrats to the winners and one more thank you to each and every one of you who gave!