I wrote up a simple quilted pillow tutorial for Janome recently. You can find it here!

Such pretty stitches.
And now - the winner of Modern Log Cabin Quilting! Random number generator gave me number 19 out of 223 comments! So that's Alice R. who says: "I love the tweaking of the traditional log cabin. What a beautiful book – I have book lust big time!" Congrats Alice - keep any eye out for an email from me!
And one last thing, Cate, my twin sister has her house in Apartment Therapy's Small Cool contest and it would be so great of you if you could click on over and "favorite" her place. You have to sign in or create an account but 1) I figure a lot of you already have an Apartment Therapy sign in name and 2) if you don't it just takes a second to create one! Thank you!! I'm pulling for her and her place is seriously so cute.