I am newly home from Quilt Market. It was a good one... Was great to see so many friends again. I had to make a quilt for the In the Beginning booth that featured all of my Modern Solids. Needless to say, it wasn't an easy task for me to come up with a quilt that had all of the colors, but didn't read too much like a rainbow. Here it is, hanging at Market, all finished up:

And a wider photo that shows it with the other two quilts featuring my fabrics.

For the quilting I did straight line quilting across the whole face of the quilt (using the edge of my walking foot as a guide for each seam).

Then in order to accentuate the negative space, I went back and added another line between each line in the light gray.
I can't can't wait to keep working with my fabrics more! And I won't have to use every single color in the next quilt! There's definitely a certain satisfaction in sewing with your own fabrics. It's wonderful.
Another reminder that I'm over on Instagram more than I'm posting here... it's just so much faster! Please follow me over there if you'd like to!